Sunday, October 19, 2008

As I walked in the neighborhood where my church lies, a place where many immigrants legal and not reside, I came across this sign.

It was placed on a newstand. It REALLY offended me on multivalent levels. First the derogatory nature and then the pure blasphemy of using God's name to promote hatred.

The quoted "scripture" does not exist in any of about 16 versions of the Bible I resourced. I don't think it exists in the Bible at all but was made up.

Now I am not a Biblical literalist anyway, so to attribute any words directly to God seems to be a dangerous propostion in any context, but when it is used to promote hate it is unconscionable and downright offensive. It makes me ashamed of being a Christian. After seeing this I was so upset and was in need of prayer. So I wrote the following Psalm.

Those who have hatred in their hearts
whose tongues breed fear
Make mockery of your grace
and profane your name

Pasting words of hatred
upon words of hope
Creating victims of oppression
where you call us to be free

Slandering your holy name
trading it for injustice
Stamping upon the back
of those you favor

How long must they get away with it?
How is it they are the popular and privileged ones?
Will fear and prejudice always win over love?
Where is your justice, O God?
Is it in me?

I shall wash your holy name clean
Unstick it from its grave
Speak for the abandoned
for those who are not seen

The wetbacks some are called
a pejorative hateful word of racism
They try to banish and yet secretly hire them
from where they stand

O God, your freedom cries out.
Your word must be set free
from those who call themselves holy.

We are a lost nation God
calling out from the depths of corruption and greed
Do not abandon us, but give us your mercy
Uplift those who would speak grace in your name

Who will promise peace and mean it?
Who will keep their word and yours holy?
Who will work for good and not evil?

Come, Lord Jesus, Come
Come in the child, in the immigrant,
in the preachers and the teachers
in the wise and aged
and in the young and bright.

Bring forth your promised tomorrow, today.

I also did a sermon containing this story that prompted a family of my congregation to try to do something to render this sign harmless although it was glued to the newstand.

It is days where people are prompted to take action that I feel most called to ministry. Thank God for changed hearts, for active hearts, that show faithful love and acceptance.