Saturday, April 25, 2009

Easter Illuminati

It's been such a long time since I've written for me. I find it refreshing. Not that I don't write for me all the time. My sermons are usually a message I need to hear. But it's nice not to have to consider how others will interpret my writing.

I write here on the blog, but I also write in a personal journal and a prayer journal. In those journals I can be truly free to write all the ugliness, shame, and sadness and beautiful things like love and grace and forgiveness in a truly intimate way.

I used to write a prayer journal every day. I would read a set of Biblical passages and see what was speaking to me and write on it, usually in the form of prayer. It was Lectio Divina before I even knew what that was. Unfortunately sometime during seminary I lost that practice. I lost God too. Maybe the two coincided. Actually, I'm pretty sure they coincided.

The good news is, I have restored my relationship with God, and with Lectio. And those writings and prayers are helping me restore, redeem, and even resurrect the relationship with myself and others.

And like THE GOOD NEWS, resurrection offers a new body, unlike the one before. A new relationship with myself, with those I love, and with God. Relationships even better than before, healthier, trusting, and full of life. It brings me hope and promise.

Perhaps that is why Easter season lasts forty days........a completeness.

Gracious and Loving God, thank you for starting this transformation, rebirth and resurrection in me this Easter season. And though you and I KNOW that it will take longer than 40 days....I look forward to the journey and to the new habits that are being formed this Easter. Amen.

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